Orthetrum caledonicum male wings

Children in fancy dress on small carts being drawn by goats

St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Emerald, ca. 1924

Tom Baker's Dodge truck in front of Wong Yong's general store, Emerald, Queensland, ca. 1926

Garden Orb Weaver with Cock Roach Prey

Social gathering to bid farewell to men leaving to enlist in the Australian Army, Emerald between 1914-1918

Celania calotoides

Emerald, Qld

Sorghum almum

Crabronidae Wasp

wet bee

Slender Duskhawker ?

Resin bee Megachile (Hackeriapis) cf. rhodura

Juvenile Scarlet Percher (Diplacodes haematodes)

Coelioxys bee

Hairy Flower Wasp Flower Wasp Campsomeris tasmaniensis

Megalorhipida leucodactylus

Megachile Bee

Male ?

Potter Wasps on Cobblers pegs

Graphic Flutterer Rhyothemis graphiptera

Silver Orb Spider Leucauge granulata with prey

Emerald, QLD, Australia

Feral rabbit

Saunders' Case Moth

Goliath Stick insect Eurycnema goliath

A closer look at the spider wasp prey a Wolf spider

Feral rabbit