The Goblet

8-19-2021, Youngstown & Southeastern, Southern Blvd, Pleaseant Grove, Youngstown, OH-9983

3/20/79, looking east, Youngstown, OH

Waiting Their Turn

2/9/78, CS tracks and Youngstown Sheet & Tube

i have a ghost now what?

Rear View

Stambaugh Auditorium ~ Youngstown OH

Stambaugh Auditorium ~ Youngstown OH

Cantilever signal bridge at Howland


Village Cafe, Warren, Ohio, circa 1960s-1970s

Stambaugh Auditorium ~ Youngstown OH ~ Former Ticket Window

Oak Hill Cemetery

Trail at Mill Creek Park

Looking West down East Market Street from Pine. circa 1952

Stambaugh Auditorium ~ Youngstown OH ~ Decorative Window

Aerial view of Warren G. Harding High School, circa 1935

3/20/79, trackage in Youngstown, OH.

Stambaugh Auditorium ~ Youngstown OH ~ Main Entrance

Central Square Looking North - Youngstown, Ohio

The Bark

Lanterman's Mill

Mill Creek

Crisp Sunrise

Tulips Galore..

Mill Creek MetroPark - Suspension Bridge. “Sometimes, if you stand on...a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.” --Winnie the Pooh

Mill Creek Park - View of Mill Creek from Suspension Bridge

Fredricksburg Ohio

J&L Steel

Yoko Ono’s "IMAGINE PEACE" billboard in Youngstown, Ohio, June, '09 - 7

Austintown Plaza from memory, three

After the Rain

Youngstown-Former YS&T Office Building (CORF)

Youngstown-Former YS&T Office Building (CORF)

Lake Newport

In The Park..

Trippy Drippy


Fields of Gold

Day To Remember..

Clear And cold...