Easdale view

Easdale to Fladda

The crossing...

HMS Fearless - the landing craft view!

A View of Oban from Gylen Park, Kerrera, Argyll & Bute

Hill Sheep

The Lonely Red Box

View from the bridge at Clachan Seil

Gylen Castle

view from Arduaine Gardens, Argyllshire

View from Oyster Bar

Sea view

Room with a view

Just A Wee Scottish Island

The Clachan Bridge. Isle of Seil.

view across the Atlantic Ocean

View from the Top

Hidden Beauty

Isle of Seil, West Coast of Scotland

kerrera Walk - Merv at the top - Gylen Castle

A trip around Easdale - Easdale digest

Ellenbeich Village

Beach of Slate..

Inner Hebrides

The calm bay at Arduaine

Firth of Lorn from Seil

In the Slate Islands

Slate island

Trip to Oban Spring 2018

Seil coast

Looking across to island of Luing from the island of Seil

Life can taste so sweet when you slow it down

Firth of Lorn from Seil

Easdale transport fleet

Looking Back

Warped rockology

Oban to Largs expedition 2018

Sruath a' Ghreusaiche, Isle of Mull

A trip around Easdale - sailing down the firth

Living apart together