Mile Post 57.75

Playing In The Rain

there's a new wind ablowin'...(HFF)

nothing runs like a Deere...

Rural Forms at Sunrise

East, West

Warm Days

Week 3.

Altgeld Hall

Campton Hills Park, IL, Flowers and Foliage (Help -- Sedum?)

Moving Forward.

The Dekalb Liquor Mart is ran by assholes

Northern Illinois University

Lily Lake, IL, Corn Can Be Glorious

NIU Police

Altgeld Hall

Just passing along

Milwaukee Road Over Lincoln Hwy DeKalb, IL

College Ave Bridge at Normal School, 1904


Geoencoded QR Code on a Rural Fence

Union Pacific 3090 in La Fox, Illnois

Hoops Away

Campton Hills Road at Sunset

Grainy Gradient

Racing Across the Land of Lincoln

No one knows that’s how it goes, all the thoughts that we transpose.

these are the end times....

Union Pacific 7778, 8401 and 8630 near Maple Park, Illinois

White Christmas

DeKalb Twilight

Sunset over Campton Hills

Elburn Co-op

Corn Field Meet

New Dawn

#OhWhatABeautifulDay, Can't wait to be at the Lake, but too wondrous to be on the interstate. #TakingEveryBackroadICanFind


Sunset Over Route 38
