A Room with A View

Life is a Beach

Storm Approaching on Eleuthera

Half Sound Bay Mouth

Passing Shower

Beach, Eleuthera

Crystal clear waters of Tarpum Bay on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas

Rock Sound, Eleuthera

Colorful boat

PADDLEBOARDING SIGHTS????. . . SEE Many Mysterious and Intriguing NURSE SHARKS???? that Inhabit the Mangrove Islands????- 1 of 3 Protected Marine Ecosystems in the FLORIDA KEYS???? #paddleboardtour #excursion #allinclusive #keylargo #k

Bahama Woodstar- Female (Calliphlox evelynae) Colibrí de las Bahamas - Endemic

Blue, Bluer, Bluest

Bahamian Rhapsody