"Mangrove" Yellow Warbler - Louisiana

"Mangrove" Yellow Warbler - Louisiana

"Mangrove" Yellow Warbler - Louisiana

Tyrannus comparison: T. dominicensis (left) vs. T. tyrannus (right)

Elegant Tern (center, facing left) - Louisiana

Elegant Tern (center, preening) - Louisiana

Elegant Tern - Louisiana

Wounded Wing

Tyrannus dominicensis



The view from the watchtower

My view


The Oaks of Grand Isle

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Elmers Island, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Loss of orientation

Elmers Island, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

it walks the sand

Booms at Grand Isle State Park

Layers, Bayou Laurier, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

BP Gulf Oil Spill 2010

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Grand Isle, Louisiana

Unique Grand Isle

beach sunset