Der Kaiserdom zu Speyer - Portal und Westvorhalle

Stacked bridges at sunset...

Infragrey #4

Speyer cathedral interior

Standing out...

Speyer, Baden-Württemberg, state of Germany (St.-Josephs-Kirche - la chiesa al San Giuseppe_(padre_putativo_di_Gesù), la iglesia a Santo José de Nazare, l'église au Saint Joseph (Nouveau Testament), the church to the Saint Joseph the Worker (Gilgenstraße)

Der Kaiserdom zu Speyer - Blick vom Technik-Museum

Secret daisy convention...

Speyer, Dom St. Maria und St. Stephan, Blick vom Chor ins Hauptschiff (Cathedral St. Mary and St. Stephen, main nave viewed from the choir)

This place is massive

Decorated during the season of Epiphany

Four Salian Emperors

The sculpture of The Mount of Olives

Lizard Door Handle

Tombs of the Emperors

Sea of purple...

Wrapped up...

Wise Men arrive to adore the Child at the house

View of the organ


Dolphin Door Handle

Natur und Geschichte - auf dem Weg zum Dom zu Speyer (11. Jh.)

blue and grain

Die "Everglades" bei Leopoldshafen (der alte Hafen) - Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen / Germany

Sonnenuntergang im November

infraHomeland #5

sun and grain

Leopoldshafen, DSC_6869

Between the clouds

Erstarrtes Windspiel

04.01.2012 (4)

green and grain

Take A Good Look #Hw_flashsaturday

Daylight And The Sun #hipstaconnect #Hipstaconnect_Ch23

MS Claude Monet

Corn Field Panorama

One Way

BLS 186 101, Waghäusel (D)

DB 185 362

Morning Light

01. Mai 2016 (1)

Nachts an der B36