foam in the surf

Easter Sunrise

Join the flock!

The Swamp

002/365 - Never Forget September 11, 2001

Project 365: Day 274/365 Preview

013/365 - Abstract Concepts

TrackHead Studios - Need a Shave?

Dan and Jeaneen's View...Beautiful

IMG_0595The beautiful view from the front porch of the Mer-family condo

Surfer and Crashing Waves #6

Speckled crab carapace--transmitted light

Figure 8 Island Swing Bridge

USS North Carolina Stern

Morton Hall

Driving Home from the Photo Walk

Bright Sunny Day at The Beach

The view from #Saturday. If you have to work on a Saturday morning, there are far worse places to so it.

Cape Fear Memorial Bridge

DSC_4772 (Copy)

006/365 - My Day Job