07OCT11: shadow pattern

08OCT11: mole kingsnake

16SEP11: moth

14JAN12: cane break

20JUL11: Loblolly pine grain and sap

04MAY11: clippers in the pocket

04DEC12: pine

04JUL11: chainsaw marks

29APR12: magnolia bud

15NOV12: playing possum

08JUL13: spillway

17JUN13: early morning light

24NOV12: leaves

15MAR12: morning has broken

16FEB13; clouds distant and near

10JUL12: seeing through

05DEC11: tutor parking

23JUL11: watch stem

12JUL13: Satcher Pond

21JAN13: let's cook

16JAN12: clouds

14OCT11: grass seed head

31JUL11: encroaching mud flat

12AUG11: mudflat update

Feb-9-14 Winter Peach Orchard

Peach Blossom time in South Carolina

Academy Branch

26JUL13: green on green

26JAN12: beech trees in fog

21JUL12: mushroom


11NOV12: mudflat

19JUL13: green

25JUL13: river birch, backlit

14JUL11: sunrise landscape

03APR13: bald cypress

17JUL11: Sunday sunburst

30APR12: Asiatic lily