Edessa city. The Karanos Waterfall

Edessa city. The Karanos Waterfall

Waterfall's balcony ... HDR

The Living Skies

Five very wet trees ... HDR

SYNTHESIS is what it's all about ... HDR

View from Edessa Waterfalls ~explored~!

View from Edessa Waterfalls Panorama

Βroody view behind waterfall

Waterfall VI

Standing behind the waterfall ... HDR

Open Cellar Doors


View from atop

Waterfall V

Greek Mandala - Edessa

View from Edessa, Greece, 10 April 2014

"I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, whether it is the waves or a waterfall..." #greece #edessa #relax #waterfall #perfect #scenery #art #great #view #memories !!

Εδεσσα P1170969

GR - Edessa - 621

the waterfall of Edessa Macedonia Greece

Formas - Σχήματα

The great fall

Land of Fantasy

Lake of Agras

HDRs from Edessa Waterfalls - Καταρράκτες Έδεσσας HDRs

Edessa Waterfalls - the Big one - Vertical HDR Panorama

Waterfalls of Edessa

Silky Water

Green Greece

mini waterfall in Edessa


Edessa, Macedonia

Painters land

Edessa waterfall