Six Spot Burnet Moth, Zygaena filipendulae
To the world you are one person....... to one person you are the world.....
Marbled White - Melanargia galathea
Marbled White - Melanargia galathea
Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris
Marbled White - Melanargia galathea
Robber Fly - Dioctria rufipes
Complete Stillness
Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris
Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
Sawfly - Dolerus species
Common Cluster Fly - Pollenia rudis
Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
Hoverfly - Sphaerophoria sp.
Brown Argus - Aricia agestis
Rove Beetle - Ocypus olens
Brown Argus - Aricia Agestris
Six-spot Burnet Moth - Zygaena filipendulae,
Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris
Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus [Front page - Explore 8th May]
Under The Boardwalk, Down By The Sea
Marine Blues
Marine Blue - Marine Lake,Weston-super-Mare.
Marine Blue
Burnham on sea sand and mud in a winter light
Sunset at Ashton Mill
Storm clouds over Steep Holm
Marine Coast
Towards Middle Hope
Sun Beams
Thro de grass
Frosty morning on Brent Knoll
The Walkway
Moody Blue.
Rushing in
Knightstone Lake
Knightstone Marine
SS Nornen
Knightstone Causeway