take 5 and fog

Fotheringhay Church 02

IMGP0059c Cute Coot chicks, Woodwalton Fen, May 2018

Wing plan.........HWW!

Eumerus ornatus

A break in the cloud

The rain dance..........HFDF! :-))

HEoM & HFDF!! :-))

Pieris rapae Portrait


I tried to squeeze in more bokeh, but no room left.

Smile, it's a new week :-))

Dead Tree Startrails

c.02/1974 - Peterborough.

K32P5494a Red Kite, Stilton, November 2018

K32P5448a Red Kite, Stilton, November 2018

IMGP0500c Scarce Chaser (m), Woodwalton Fen, May 2018

IMGP3373a Sedge Warbler, Woodwalton Fen, June 2018

IMGP2466c1 Broad-bodied Chaser, Woodwalton Fen, June 2018

IMGP0418c Azure Damselfly, Woodwalton Fen, May 2018

IMGP9935c Four-Spotted Chaser, Woodwalton Fen, May 2018

Sunrise Glow

Wandering through the patched worked earth

'Odd Oaks'

Dark clouds on the horizon.

Before the Storm.

021116 074957.jpg

Dont look Behind you.

And stretch ....

Speeding by

Elton Bridge

Grazing horse

Peacock (Inachis io)

Deep in the long grass

Chalkhill Blue ( Lysandra coridon )

Chalkhill Blue ( Lysandra coridon )

Silver Washed Fritillary ( Argynnis paphia )

2018 04 21 bike 36 04b

Silver Washed Fritillary ( Argynnis paphia )

Marbled White Butterfly ( Melanargia galathea )

Locomotive 31108 crossing over the River Nene, in a positioning move , on a misty & murky Sunday Morning. Nene Valley Railway Class 31 Diesel Gala 15 10 2017