Winter Barn-Colorful View-HDR

Sunset Cabin-2nd View

Fading Day

Green Tree 1

Big old big-&-clumsy.

Milwaukee Road 261

NorthWestern College Chapel, Minneapolis

Green Tree 2

Roberts off 10

Roberts off 10 - closed

Lots of Purple DSC_6421

Green Tree 3

Purple and Yellow DSC_5143

Scared by the shutter DSC_5646

Wasp DSC_5715

60 Rambler American

Water Tower - Oct 2012

Giant Mermaid

Loquentes Machina 1906

"Marriage is the mother of the world and preserves kingdoms, and fills cities, and churches, and heaven itself"

Facing east and west respectively in the sun in the early afternoon.


Beautiful Day

Fused Sunset

Multi-Color Sunset

Unsorted 123

Snowy Day

Unsorted 124

Field of Dreams

Unsorted 120

Island Chapel

Autumn Afternoon

{Snow Mantled Evergreens}

By the Pond aDSC_5470_5360

Blaine mn

Infinite Campus

Dead Skies

Fall Evening

Golden Lake

{Snow Dappled Foliage}

*** Fleet of Foot - II. ***