IMGP1563 [Final]

IMGP1559 [Final]

IMGP1560 [Final]

Civil War Naval Museum, Columbus, GA

National Infantry Museum

Baker High Spring Fling

BHS Spring Fling 650 Strong

#248 of 365

Baker High Spring Fling

Baker High Spring Fling

My view of the wedding from behind the video camera.

Baker High Spring Fling


Baker High Spring Fling

Baker High Spring Fling

Boots on the Ground

Meet the Columbus, GA sky!

A View of the Falls (3D)

The View

Downtown view

International Airborne Wings by Vanessa Pizarro

Ode to Spring Light

DSCF0638 CR (3D)

IMGP5500 B (Crop)

Goose at Sunset

Sky Stitch

Cooper Creek Panorama 7 B

Cooper Creek Panorama 5

small flowers C

Cooper Creek Panorama 9 B

Sunset Panorama 2B

Can You Feel the Autumn Breeze?

Trees and Grass B

Sunset Panorama 1

Panorama 88

Skiddish 2 B

Rocks with Low Water

DSCF3709 CR (3D)

Chattahoochee River waterfall

100_6659 [Final]

Creek 2

Rocks in front of Coweta Falls 4