My view from the porch

Full view... Nevermore

the junkyard

The view to my back yard... In less than 2 months this will be transformed to paradise, once the hostas and lilies and various other plants come up and I get some annuals planted! Get the pool opened and everything cleaned! I can't wait!!

Side view of cape! #littleredridinghood #middieblythe #middie #etsyshop #handmade #sewing

View from kitchen... Painting today... New carpet in a couple of weeks!! This hall is old and tired

You'll skate across the frozen sky.

Naperville 031

Rawson's King Mill Park

view from the tree fort

Summit Pointe Trails

Vicksburg Recreation Area

Summit Pointe Trails

The hay field at sunset

Summer stream

Eric and Pat Pratt House Plan (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

The Acres (1949) Frank Lloyd Wright

Eric and Pat Pratt House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

Orange Sulphur

Curtis and Lillian Meyer House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

First Colors of Fall

Curtis and Lillian Meyer House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

David and Christine Weisblat House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

Eric and Pat Pratt House Plan (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

Curtis and Lillian Meyer House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

David and Christine Weisblat House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

David and Christine Weisblat House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

Samuel and Dorothy Eppstein House (1953), Frank Lloyd Wright

David and Christine Weisblat House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright

Curtis and Lillian Meyer House (1951), Frank Lloyd Wright