Riverside, Wichita.

Monarch Caterpillar

Aureonotata Love

Common Green Darners

Robber Fly Catch of the Day

Male Twelve-spotted Skimmer

Spring Clouds

Planet Wichita

Pipevine Swallowtail

Stylish Spider Wasp - Tachypompilus ferrugineus

Peeling Paint

Obscure Bird Grasshopper Ovipositing

Two-Striped Grasshopper - Melanoplus bivittatus

American Bumble Bee - female Bombus pensylvanicus

Green sweat bee possibly Augochloropsis metallica

Teenage Assassins! Wheel Bug Nymphs

Bumble Bee - maybe Bombus Impatiens worker

Anvil Cloud Sunset View

Salt Marsh Moth

An Acrobatic Common Meadow Katydid


September 16 Sunset

On the Yellow Brick Road

Wichita Green

Rising Storm

Sunset Sky Party

Sky Shadows

Solstice Parade

Butterflies in Love

Autumn in August

Goldenrod Buffet

Keeper of the Plains, Wichita

Painterly Autumn

Wildflower Panorama

Up Chisholm Creek


Mammatus Show

Duckling Sunset

A Little Luck

Magenta Reflections

Heage Windmill, Derby

Where have all the flowers gone?