Western Bluebird

Vermillion Flycatcher

Costa's Hummingbird

American Coot

Gila Woodpecker

Pied-billed Grebe

Mallard Duck Hen

Male American Kestrel

A Winter's Day

Arizona - Sonora Desert View

American Kestrel

In Your Face American Kestrel

Saguaro Cactus with a Mountain Backdrop (Saguaro National Park)

A Desert Landscape with Saguaro Cactus, Mountains and Blue Skies Above (Black & White, Saguaro National Park)

American Kestrel

Patio View Of The Cactus Garden, Desert And Mountains

Walking a Trail Amongst the Saguaro Cactus (Saguaro National Park)

American Kestrel

A Wide Angle View with a Crested and Other Saguaro Cactus

From a Rise and Looking Across a Hillside of Saguaro Cactus (Saguaro National Park)

Broad-billed Hummingbird

Arizona State Bird Cactus Wren


Male Anna's Hummingbird

Mexican Cardinal - Pyrrhuloxia - Male

Male House Finch

Curve-billed Thrasher

Verdin Male

Granite Cliff Perched Cactus Wren

Rufous-winged Sparrow

Male Pyrrhuloxia

Bad Bill Finch

Curved-billed Thrasher

Loving Pair Rosy-faced Lovbirds

Western Wood-pewee

Male House Finch

Northern Cardinal Male

Rosy-faced Lovebird

Yellow-rumped Warbler Female

House Sparrow Male

Crystalline Landscape

Pyrrhuloxia Male