Cave View panorama

Siphon Draw. Looking out.

Siphon Draw from Lost Dutchman State Park - Superstition Wilderness

Lost Dutchman State Park

Siphon Draw from Lost Dutchman State Park - Superstition Wilderness

Weaver's Needle from Whiskey Spring Trail

Weaver's Needle from Bluff Spring Trail - Supersitition Wildeness

Looking up Siphon Draw at Flatiron - Superstition Wilderness

Looking south down Peralta Trail - Superstition Wilderness

Miner's Needle from Whiskey Spring Trail - Superstition Wilderness

Weaver's Needle from Bluff Spring Trail - Superstition Wilderness

Superstition Wilderness

One of my favorite spots: Lost Dutchman Road

Admiring the View

Superstition Mountains

Superstitions 1

Happy Trails

Superstition Mountain, Arizona

Superstition Mountain, Arizona

Superstition Mountain, Arizona

Superstition Mountain, Arizona

Tonto Terrain

Kovacs Korner, Apache Junction - Arizona

Sun, Stone, and Sky in the Superstitions

Elvis Memorial Chapel, Superstition Mountain Museum - Arizona

Jerome 2013

It looked even better without my car parked in front of it...

#whiterocklake #lakes #lakepics #lake #bluesky #hiking #outdoors #nature #coolpics #rebels_sky #rebelsunited #rebels_united #rebels_unitedworldwide #trails #photooftheday #picoftheday #birds #pelicans #funedits #water #autumn #autumnsky

Superstition Mountain, Arizona

IMG_9144 copysmall

Foggy Peralta?

Apache Junction Arizona - Superstition Mountains

Weaver's Needle. #CoffeeKen #adventuretoanywhere #hiking #environmentaz #earthinstagram #thegreatoutdoors #wildernessquest #mountainquest #arizonahighways #AZ365 #azculture #golocalaz #nature #bybarista

Lost Dutchman

Lost Dutchman State Park: Moonrise

The Green after the Rain.

Phoenix 597

Elvis Memorial Chapel

Elvis Memorial Chapel

Megan on the siphon draw trail. Superstition wilderness, Arizona