Sage Motel - Kingsville, Texas

View from the Historic King Ranch Stables

#view #through #my #shades #red #TAMUK #kingsville #potd #monochrome

Bruan à joues marron

Tyran à longue queue

curious eyes...

People Of The Sun

band-winged dragonlet

University Of Miami Colors In Texas

We Are Nowhere, We Are Everywhere

Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

Rio Grande Valley

Floods in Aqua Dulce

Presidents House

Rio Grande Valley

Drinking Hole

Buff-breasted Sandpiper (Calidris subruficollis)

Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea)

Mexican Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys mexicanus)

Fly Rout