Waxing Gibbous Moon - July 31, 2017

Teapot of Sagittarius

A Crescent Moon and Mercury in the West

Early Morning Antares and Scorpius

Morning Antares and Scorpius

Montes Apenninus Mountain Range

Pleiades Star Cluster

Trifid and Lagoon Nebula

Sunspot/Active Regions AR12674 and AR12673 - September 7, 2017

Star Altair - Wide-Field View

Venus Casting a Reflection on Ice

Open Cluster Messier 39 (M39) or NGC 7092

The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888

Today’s Sun - September 4, 2017

Morning Stars - September 13, 2017

Supernova SN2017eaw in the Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946)

The Changing Face of Venus

Polaris - the Double Star

Zeta Lyrae - Double Star

Jupiter - May 10, 2017

The Sunflower Galaxy - Messier 63

Antares and the Head of Scorpius

Sirius in the Clouds

Nescopeck Creek


Moon Rise and Milky Way

Beach funtime!

Mount Yeager (Dusk)

high bridge.

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Jeans Run (Headwaters) (3)

Jeans Run (Headwaters) (1)

Hemlock Palustrine Forest (3)

Mount Yeager (Midafternoon)

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Jeans Run (Headwaters) (2)

Hemlock Palustrine Forest (1)

Nescopeck Creek Valley

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Ridge and Valley

Hemlock Palustrine Forest (2)