D&H 7407 Starrucca Viaduct

Pennsy E8s on the Erie

D&H 7407 & 2304 Lanesboro

D&H 405 & 762

1982 12-26 1140 DL&W Alford Tower, Alford, PA


Pratt Memorial Library

Main St. Cafe

Starucca Viaduct in the distance 7/17/79

Conrail 6096 Starrucca Viaduct

D&H 759 - Lanesboro Detour Part 4 of 5

D&H 2923 MEC 229 B&M 315 at Starucca

2015 08-04 1911.5 DLW SD70ACe-1074, NKP 2-8-4 S-2 Berkshire 765 on E/B 956 at New Milford, PA

Southbound 258

Old Barn

Florence Shelly Preserve in Susquehanna County, Pa.

Florence Shelly Preserve in Susquehanna County, Pa.

Double Header

Florence Shelly Preserve in Susquehanna County, Pa.

Salt Springs State Park - Silver Creek

State Line

Upstate New York

Upstate New York

Open Fields

Susquehenna River Harmony PA

Penn Cann Truck Stop Harford, PA.

Florence Shelly Preserve in Susquehanna County, Pa.

I-81 Bridge Over Susequahanna River
