Tempe Bridge

Birds eye view

Tempe Town

Z7_5980 Golden Eagle

_DSC5320e ~ Cactus Flowers

_DSC5316e ~ Cactus Flower

Phoenix Mountain Park

Phoenix AZ ~ morning magic hour

Streaking over the Tempe Town Lake Bridge

Z7_5327 Lion

Z7_7180 Khan the Heron

Arizona's Best Kept Secret!

Mesa Grid, Arts Center

eye candy bar

Z7_4819 Flamingo

Neopolitan Desert

Signage, Close-up: Sweet Home Chicago Wood Fired BBQ, Scottsdale, AZ (now closed down)

Leaving Phoenix Behind

The Exceedingly Rare and Extraordinarily Fragile Air-Berry Bush

Mill Avenue Bridge on Tempe Town Lake

It's A Small Skyline After All

sunset over Phoenix Valley

US airways A-320 short final Phoenix

'Contact Phoenix departure 119.2 See-ya!'

Arizona Sunset

Tempe Town Lake, Arizona

Tempe, Arizona

Mill Avenue Bridge, Tempe, Arizona

Tempe, Arizona

Tempe, Arizona

Mill Avenue Bridge

Tempe Town Lake, Arizona

Tempe Town Lake, Arizona

Mill Avenue Bridge, Tempe, Arizona

Evening glory over Phoenix

'cleared to land'

Phoenix AZ ~ Yellow Bells

Phoenix AZ ~ Coral Fountain or Firecracker plant

scottsdale 01493

Phoenix AZ ~ desert landscaping

Spring bee

hiking trails, foothills, and rough rock off Shea Rd in east Phoenix