Standing Tall

All your base

Pigeon view

Detroit Panorama

Elevator Going Up...

Windsor, Ontario From the Detroit Riverfront

Strings of Life

Sunset Boulevard

Detroit Public Library

Just before dawn

72nd floor / 2008 fireworks

Spring storm in the "D"

Can this world really be as sad as it seems?

first rays

Not a shabby view to wake up to

New Life

A View So Cruel

At Its Best...

Day 14/365: in their secrecies, they plan their strategies...

it was as though all the happiness had gone from the world

The Big Empty

Frozen Sunset

In The Morning

View from the north side

Ice Tree Mountain

Edsel and Eleanor Ford House ~ Grosse Point Shores Michigan ~ Historic

Sakura - morning in the blue garden

Packard water tower

Detroit Sunset

The city of Detroit

Michigan Central Station

Sunset at Belle Isle Bridge

Detroit River & Windsor Skyline

Detroit and Windsor from Belle Isle

Transmission Grid

1-2-07 marina

At Les?

As seen from suburbia... Detroit skyline

Sunset on the Riverwalk

family outing

aint it funny how the night moves

Here, there, and Everywhere