Desert Fence [Explored Sept. 8, 2012 #66]

Alien Dreams

Sunrise Fence

First Light Under the Freeway

Rolling West Into The Night

Fleeing The Dragon

Cinematic Phoenix Police HQ

Tucking in to an artisnal plate before a viewing of "The Lobster". One seriously strange film, which isn't a bad thing.

Once Upon A Time In The Southwest

Yard Tree

Magical Bride

eye candy bar

Overlooking the Valley of the Sun

Sportin' Daisy-Dukes

Tempe Arizona, USA

The View

The Exceedingly Rare and Extraordinarily Fragile Air-Berry Bush

Another view of the pool

Cobalt Blue Water

View of #Paradise #Valley

View of Camelback Mountain from our balcony

Another shot through the hole at Papago Park

Welcome to Arizona state, where is Grand Canyon with desert and huge cactus????

SkySong - Arizonas newest shade structure...

Landscape #PhoenixAZ

Darkness Falling, Phoenix, AZ

Taking a walk up "A" Mountain at ASU

Neopolitan Desert

The Falls

Sunset Bridge in Tempe

Orbitals in Motion

Sunset at Papago Park

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls #fox10phoenix #johnosborn have a wonderful day everyone :-) myebay2016.com. Cell 602-865-9527. John Osborn

Red Canal

Doin' You

Rock Garden

Tonto Natural Bridge Payson, Az

Just a peek of Saturday's sunset at Papago Park

A Rainy Day in the Garden