Holiday 2011 20 - Eye of the Sky

Electric Fountain :: Non-HDR

Mi Casa es Su Casa

St Philips Plaza


View southeast from north end of Campbell Avenue. Tucson, Arizona.

Pusch Ridge in the rain. Santa Catalina Mountains, Tucson, Arizona.

Desert decor. Tucson, Arizona.

Sundown at Pusch Ridge

The house in the clouds. Tucson, Arizona.

Wow view

tiki motel (formerly the oracle motel, est 1940)

Juvenile Clark’s Spiny Lizard (Sceloporus clarkii). Tucson, Arizona.

The view on the way back. #CoffeeKen #divine_deserts #adventureanywhere #hiking #azlife #borntobunk #hiking

Cherry Blossoms by Night :: HDR

Drought. Tucson, Arizona.

Behind Blue Eyes

In-N-Out Burger [Explored Front Page]

IMG_7477 Broad-billed Hummingbird on Penstemon

Buttonbush, Sabino Canyon

Rain on the mesquite trees.

At the mouth of Sabino Canyon (2). Tucson, Arizona.

Columbus Lake

At the mouth of Sabino Canyon. Tucson, Arizona.

Santa Catalina Mountains from Alvernon Way. Tucson, Arizona.

Catalina Mountains

Sabino Canyon

Struppiges Gestrüpp / Scruffy Shrubbery

'Smoke signals' over Finger Rock, Santa Catalina Mountains. Tucson, Arizona.

Columbus Lake II

...a mysterious night

Morning School Commute w/Awesome Wispy Clouds

...at the end of the trail

Catalina Mountains

Just Another Tequila Sunrise....

Finger Rock. I never climbed you. #catalinas

...the desert has a beauty of its own

mountains... desert... I'm so confused #noocean

Not a bad backdrop for breakfast. #tucson

...the desert trail