Summit Mt Hood in February

Old Salmon River Trail

Salmon River and Forest-Mt Hood

Still Creek

Zigzag Mountain Store

Salmon River, Study 2009-2

Trillium Falls

Salmon River, Study 2009-1

Return to Salmon River

Mount Hood...Up Close!

Welches - view from suite

Salmon River, fall study #3

A Winter Day on the Salmon River

Little Gorge Falls

Afternoon view

Our lovely mountain

Salmon River, fall study #1

View from the patio

Cast Creek

Apparation Falls

Salmon River, fall study #2B

St. Helens sunrise from above

Mt. Hood Sunset Glow

Landscape Photography, Salmon River (Clackamas County, Oregon)

Landscape Photography, Salmon River (Clackamas County, Oregon)

Snowy Peak

Mt. Hood on winter escape from Portland

Rolling photographers gather no moss.

Quid Pro Flow

Counting Fish on the Salmon River


Fall Color on Cheeney Creek-Mt Hood

Three Thirty Eight

Ramona Falls

It's been a little while since my last post. My little dachshund Lucy hurt her back the week I was on The Timberline Trail and she's been dealing with paralysis issues off and on since then (for 6 weeks). She had surgery on Thursday and she's already impr