Evening glory over Phoenix

Birds eye view

Long exposure view of Washington Street and Central Avenue from CityScape in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix Arizona PHX Panorama-13 Images

Phoenix Mountain Park

Night view of "Her Secret is Patience" -a public art display at Civic Space Park in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix AZ ~ morning magic hour

_DSC5316e ~ Cactus Flower

_DSC5320e ~ Cactus Flowers

Long exposure view of CityScape in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.

That's Pink

Long exposure view of traffic along 1st Street and Washington Street in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.

sony0819 Pink Flamingo

Long exposure view of Metro Light Rail passing Talking Stick Resort Arena in Downtown Phoenix, Arizona.

eye candy bar

Indian School Panorama

Anatomy Of A Sunset

Z7_7180 Khan the Heron

View of old storefront with old chairs for sale in Phoenix, Arizona.

Night view of Chinese food restaurant in Central Phoenix, Arizona.

Z7_5327 Lion

Sunset Reflections

sunset over Phoenix Valley

hiking trails, foothills, and rough rock off Shea Rd in east Phoenix

US airways A-320 short final Phoenix

'Contact Phoenix departure 119.2 See-ya!'

Arizona Sunset

City Park

'cleared to land'

hiking trails, foothills, and rough rock off Shea Rd in east Phoenix

Phoenix AZ ~ Coral Fountain or Firecracker plant

Phoenix AZ ~ Yellow Bells

City Park

Phoenix AZ ~ desert landscaping

Welcome to Arizona state, where is Grand Canyon with desert and huge cactus????

McDowell Sonoran Preserve

Arizona desert

SkySong - Arizonas newest shade structure...

A Rainy Day in the Garden

The Exceedingly Rare and Extraordinarily Fragile Air-Berry Bush

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport