Clown Face

Semipalmated Sandpiper

Harley Trio

Harlequin Duck

Red-breasted Merganser

Harley's Portrait

Catching a Wave

Milky Way Over the Jersey Shore

Black-legged Kittiwake

Viking Village Sunset

Red-breasted Merganser

Sooty Tern

Horned Grebe

Iceland Gull

I'm Ready for My Close-Up, Now

Blackie mussels his way in

Harlequin Duck

A Contemplating Dunlin

Harlequin on the Rocks

Lady Harlequin

Long-tailed Drake

Snowy Owl at Island Beach

"To the Lighthouse"

bay sunset

A Big Splash 3I9069

Sunset over Barnegat Lighthouse

Happy New Year

Starry Lighthouse

Last Call ~ * ~ Explored (08/08/2012) ~ * ~

The last time we met

Bonnet Island....


Long Beach Island Aerial Sunrise

View From Barnegat Lighthouse

Long Walk to Winter

'Ipswich' Sparrow


Just before sunset

Island Beach State Park

storm a rollin in

Bonnet Estates ....Later in the day ...

Snowy Owl (Bubo Scandiacus)