Kaien & beste benken -|- The quay & best seat

Jenter på tur -|- Girls walking

Opplastet -|- Filled up

3 deler -|- 3 parts

Rystelandet -|- Reflections [Explored]

The descent

Cold flow

Masdalsklova -|- Cleavage

It's a braw, bricht, moonlicht nicht

Colourful tree

Dinner time

Turning orange

Eiksund -|- Looking at mountains

Lagene kom -|- The layers of light

Summit view

Etasjer -|- Floors

Vilma kommer -|- Here comes Vilma

Night panorama

Ørsta Amfi -|- Shopping Mall

Flowing through the trees

Gutter -|- Climbing boys

your hand...

Saudehornet i sol -|- Sunlighted

Ørstafjorden -|- Reflection in fjord

Ut å seile -|- Out sailing, little wind

Lunn -|- Slipway

Over fjellet -|- Over the mountain

as time passes by...

Liadalsnipa -|- Local peak

På veg mot Lialdalsnipa -|- On the road

Forandringene -|- Changing minutes

Sommerkveld -|- Evening flair

Strekkode -||- Barcode

Slutten -|- The end of day

Summer at Breisundet.

Ørsta morgen -|- Morning at Christmas

Båtoppdrag og fjell -|- Slipway decayed