Minsk 2018 (137)

Stan'kovo: In Concrete

Stan'kovo: The Partisan Dugout


Stan'kovo: The Deers

Конец мая

The August Skies

Субботний блисс

Проводная солнце

Stankava - Through Centuries

Minsk 2018 (285)

White Stork with a meal

Picturing the golden autumn

Symptoms of the fall...

The Roadside Chapel

The Roadside Chapel Interior

The Roadside Chapel Interior

Stan'kovo: The Skies

Крыніца каля вёсцы Радзіма

Iris / Ирис


E30, Minsk, Belarus

IMG_8496 2


Rainbow - Радуга

Rainbow - Радуга

Rainbow - Радуга

Stan'kovo: The Deers