Bay St Louis

Hancock County Courthouse Front View

#afterkatrina #photojournalism One month after #HurricaneKatrina hit the Gulf Coast, David Wages of Columbia, Miss., pauses from working on the CSX Railroad bridge over St. Louis Bay to view the damage to the surrounding area on Saturday morning October1,

Golden Gulf CSX

Yesterday's Destruction is Today's Beauty

Bay Boudreau & West Karako Bay

Vanished - Hurricane Katrina

Bob's Lakes

bridge side view

Southern Fan

Another view of the Doll House

The view from the condo


West Edge of development


While the World Was Flying By...

From a Dream You Won't Remember

Sunrise through Decaying Fishing Pier

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Highway 90 Bridge Over the Bay of St. Louis

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beach, constructed

Hancock Bank Building in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi

The Depot District in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi

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Good Morning Sunshine

Pass Harbor Fog

Liam Mapping the legs in the water :)

Liam Mapping the legs in the water :)

Ocean Mother, I hear you calling