Trees with a view

Common Buzzard, Buse variable (Buteo buteo) - Lanaye, BELGIUM

View from my Balcony Shadowplay

0450 Dorre heide (in explore)

A view between the trees

Autumn ... (N4417)

Kerkentweeling / Church twins

View from our Balcony

Rond de Maaskade

the narcissistic photographer

European Stonechat, Tarier pâtre (Saxicola rubicola) - Hermalle-sous-Argenteau, BELGIUM

Crossing the river Maas ... (N4401)

Het groene Maastricht

White-spotted Bluethroat, Gorgebleue à miroir blanc (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) - Hermalle-sous-Argenteau, BELGIUM

Room with a view

Summer feeling

Great Egret, Grande aigrette (Ardea alba) & Grey Heron, Héron cendré (Ardea cinerea) - Lanaye, BELGIUM

Old and Crooked

Beautiful scenery @ the Dutch Hillcountry

Sintervaosbasiliek / Sintervaos....on Explore

European Stonechat, Tarier pâtre (Saxicola rubicola) - Hermalle-sous-Argenteau, BELGIUM

*frost and sunlight*

Autumn in the morning

50 Shades of Green / 50 kleuren Groen

the start of a perfect hike

Dutch Delight

Signs of Spring in the hills

Trees and flowers and fields and ....

Panorama vanaf Kasteelruïne Lichtenberg

Pigeons / Duiven

Golvende heuvels in ondergaande zon.

Still hiding under the trees after a rain shower

*Happy New Year*

The Bridge And Beond

Devine Places

Lines / Lijnen

Pastoral scenery near Nuth - Limburg

Airborn Bulls

186 214 (2822)

Trees On The Horizon

Bomen met opvliegende spreeuwen.

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