The Danger Dock.

A 'Slow' Meteor Crosses the Skies (NASA, Marshall, 01/03/12)

Day - 80 Pista

Spotted Cucumber Beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata)

Winter Skies Over Marshall (NASA, Marshall, 01/06/12)

Winter Skies Over Marshall (NASA, Marshall, 01/06/12)

Kildaire #Mansion, #Huntsville, Alabama's " #Haunted House" - h4152

Dryad's Saddle Mushroom (Polyporus squamosus) (See 1st comment)

Sunset at Marshall (NASA, Marshall, 01/05/12)

Afternoon #Storm, #UAH pan 5-16-09 - soh-1

DAY - 74 Bokeh Test: AF-S 50mm vs. Ai-S 50mm

Day 124 - Green Spiral

Day 198 - Tomato Splash

Day 169 - Vans

Day 219 - Dead Head

Day 144 - Looking Up

Day - 45 Aged to Perfection

Self portrait

Lonely Reflections

Day 163 - Gone to Seed

Rocket City, USA

Lost Sink Falls

River in the Mist

Christmas Lights Keep Shinin' on

Madison County Nature Trail Covered Bridge

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Bridge Over Colored Water

120415 University of Alabama at Huntsville UAH

Huntsville, Al

120415 University of Alabama at Huntsville UAH

Where's the fire?

Lee's Water

Late May woods in north Alabama

Beautiful Day

Winged Elm - Ulmus alata

2010 - Sunrise Through the Pines

Downtown Huntsville in HDR

Christmas Fern - Polystichum acrostichoides

Winter woods on New Years Day 2014

Huntsville fall