Look Out

Stray Dog 2

Cumberland Gap 360


Cumberland Gap 360

Tobacco Field

Fixer Upper

Cumberland Gap 360

Cumberland Gap 360

Needles and Thread

Bailey Robbins

Cumberland Gap 360

Cumberland Gap 360


Jessica on Powell Mountain

Circle of Faith

A Place in the Sun

Cumberland Gap 360

Cumberland Gap 360

Cumberland Gap 360


What We Do For a Photo

NS 744 clear by Tito on the NS Appalachia District on a rainy day. 2018

T722-26-Olinger, VA

Rolling Hills

Keokee Lake

Purcell Falls

NS 745 on the Appalachia District.

Great Stone Face

KT25 Pushers East clear Jasper

Deep Springs

Haying time

KT25 shoving KT24 east at Tito on the NS Appalachia District.

NS 745 on the Appalachia District.

KT24 on the Cumberland Valley.

KT24 slowing to side up at Cadet

NS 744 East clear through Duffield, VA.

KT25 Pushers at Pennington

January 17, 2019

Kentucky Sunrise

US 421 -- Pennington Gap, Virginia