ICG #8233 Normal, Illinois

Dancing Duck - Will dance for food!

View from my trail garden. Constitution Trail.

Ash Street Park


Pick Up Straw Here

Firewood @ 15 cents per pound.

Ghost Riders In the Sky - Prairie Fire Version

Sunset Treat

Back to Yuton

Traffic Lights In Downtown Bloomington

GM&O #908 Bloomington, Illinois

Survivor: The Last Tree of Old CCHS

Home in Danvers.

DSC08186mod - Evergreen Lake

Illinois Central Virginia St. Bridge high, Normal, Illinois

Illinois Terminal, Downtown Bloomington, Illinois

Lonely, in yellow...

ICG #8064 Normal, Illinois

They're Tearing Up Normal

view from the back yard

Country road

A common sight...

Smoke off Constitution Trail

Times Past



40/52: Not A Turban

Homes in my Neighborhoodl

adding on

Grass at Sunset


Sunrise on the urban prairie


When the Prairie Winter Bites


I could get used to this much light for prep soccer...


Bloomington Ducks