I've Been Tagged

American Kestrel

Mount Union Cemetery, 01

Comet ISON and Mercury on November 23, 2013

Southern Pacific 5399 Black and White

Southern Pacific 5399

View from the bottom of the Pac-12 Conference standings

Dimple Hill

Fall color: not just for maples

Southern Pacific 5399 Engine

Da Willamette

Warm Sunrise

Why do I feel so incomplete :-)

A Look from the Left

Colorful Corvallis

Hey it's a Darth Vader hat barn:-)

Inside Darth's Head

sunrise on Mary's Peak

to the golden age

Corvallis Christmas Lights

View from our back deck. Good thing "double rainbow guy" wasn't around! #corvallis #rainbow #doublerainbow #discoveroregon #pnwonderland #bestoforegon #peavyarboretum

Sunset Panorama

شروق Corvallis sunset

2009 - Hope, Dreams & Hard Work.........


William L Finley Wildlife Reserve.

Ducks on the water of Willamette.

Snag Boat Bend

spooky forest

a stroll

William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge #1

On the Willamette


Jackson Frazier Wetlands

River catkins


Finley Wildlife Refuge 5-21-11

Harris Bridge

Bald Hill Farm Sunset

The view got me out of bed for this morning's walk #5km #frosty #gotta

Fields of gold