Holland's most beautiful hiking spots

Oude Leede

First bulb fields in flower

Reflected sunset @ Scheveningen beach

Night Lights | The Binnenhof (Inner Court), Hofvijver, The Hague (NL)

Valkenburgse Meer

Penderecki's Dream

Het Binnenhof / Hofvijver / Den Haag / The Hague

A sunrise in spring, Voorhout, South Holland

VIRM trains at Sassenheim, May 10, 2013

Katwijk aan Zee

Sunday Walk

Huys te Warmont Castle is beautifully situated in the forest park

Walking & hiking in the exquisite area of the Rijnland

Beautiful windmills in the spring landscape of Holland

Dutch Windmill | De Vlieger, Voorburg (NL)

The characteristic hollow post mill Vrouw Venne in the typical Dutch landscape

Dutch twins

The green meadow leads Kanitha to the historic Rijnland mills

The Vlietmolen mill along the meadows and reed

Grosmolen mill lies in the Green Heart in the province of Zuid-Holland