care to join me? e3

Wish You Were Here

nothing special...

gold or yellow?? e3

dreaming in pink.... e3


yellow e3

still hanging on.... e3 Explored, thank you all!!

ghost town e3-hdr

I dub thee my Fall Photo(s) of 2011

but I'm just a little pine... e3

softer version of Fall.... e3

first lavender e3

Wuthering Heights

sunrise e3

Tequila Sunrise

purple fuzz ball e3


Lake view Promenade,Miss.Ontario!

hot summer breeze

cloudy sunrise... e3

no green for another six weeks

Painted Skies

Sleeping marina.


one click pic .....

The maple grove

The Screaming Seagull

Come walk with me

Breaking the Ice

A tree in the Fall

Autumn on the Credit

Beach with Seagulls

Autumn Sky

Nature's painting

Last Leaves Of Autumn

Riverwood Dream

High Park river


The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side ....

Sweet Seasons