Flying Egret

"Oh Noooooooooo!"

"It's my turn now, away with you snowy egrets!"

"Don't laugh at me."

Wonderous Sky

Keeping To Themselves!

A view through the window

"It's just a fish, I eat fish!"

Little Blue Heron

"I don't want those tiny shrimp! Give me the big ones."

Sarasota Bayfront

"I was just thinking of you."

Best friends (Explore-Jan 11th)

"Talk, talk......Talk, talk talk talk....,all you do to me is talk talk"

"Get away from my fish"

There goes another hand picked!

Light & Shadow on Sarasota

Sandy Santa!

"Leave me alone and get the hell outta here."

Blue View

Beach Grass

Thunderset Over Sarasota Bay

Siesta Key - Series I (VI)

The Rock

Sarasota Sunset, Siesta Key - Series I (III)

In for the Night

Le gardien

Life is good

Into The Trees

Catching the last fish of the day!

Skimming the Sunset

Sarasota Sunset

Splish, Splash!

What A Beautiful Day!

Empire of The Sun!

My life...

Root Base

Stranger On The Shore

Gulf Sunset September 23, 2009

Ethereal Tide