Canada Steamship Lines "Frontenac" Ore Carrier

City of Algonac Ferryboat at Algonac, Michigan

Bonus View

Frontenac - Marine City

Bench Monday - HBM

Got me!

A Trail in the Fall

Old Peche Island Rear Range Lighthouse (1908)

St. Johns Marsh

Brander Park

Brander Park

Inclement Weather

Brander Park

Kayak, St. Johns Marsh

Wetzel State Park

St. Johns Marsh DSC_0254

Ice Breaking Operations-2733

Where Flatness Becomes Extraordinary

Not coming home straight from phone

Ribbon of Yellow

Old Peche Island Rear Range Lighthouse (1908)

Old Peche Island Rear Range Lighthouse (1908)

New Baltimore fishing pier

Algonac State Park

Macabre Wood