Wirtschaftsweg 2

a flower for the sweetest girl in Vienna

jumping 4 joyful colors

night view

three gerberas for one lady

collecting the last pollen at the end of a summer which passed away way too fast

night view

Meteor - Sternschnuppe

"Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination"


"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up"

Lake view

burg satzvey

Old beech trees

night view

Big Country

night view

Lake view

Tic Tac Booo

2013 Volvo V40 D4 R-Design

Sunset after a thunderstorm

Hochwildpark Rheinland

Hochwildpark Rheinland

“Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.”

The trees deliquesce

preparing to the night

Horizontals: Bench (II)

Hochwildpark Rheinland

Kulturlandschaften im Frühling

Blue Lake

Hochwildpark Rheinland

Hochwildpark Rheinland

Verticals: An empty bench

Hochwildpark Rheinland

Hochwildpark Rheinland

2014 Germany // Eifelwanderweg-2 Karl-Kaufmann-Weg

Spring Beauty

Forest path

Sonnenaufgang in der Voreifel

Landschaft HDR

Hochwildpark Rheinland

analog: Wassersportsee Zülpich