1399 Girona
0108 Girona
Girona Old City
Streets of Girona (XV)
three rainbows (best seen in large)
the snail wire-walker
feeding the sun
the princess and the wheat bale
Gray day... (please, see large)
the solitary sunflower
remembering the winter in girona
the heart of a green flower...
absorbed in a HBW
little spider walking on a stem - best large
the lonely tree and the ray of light
down to hell
flares - bona revetlla i que tireu molts petards...
leaves in the shadow
Santa Llúcia Street - Girona...
detail of a sunflower
sunset at the railway (sooc) best large
24 Gerona
freshly cut field - have a great weekend....
The Way
Racons i raconets (II)...
"View of the Bridge" - Girona, Spain
the sun after the storm.... have a sunny weekend
Passejant de Salt a Bescanó per les deveses a la vora del riu Ter. Catalunya.
after the storm on the field of wheat
Pujada de la Catedral (Girona)
Girona, il fiume Onyar, il pont Eiffel e le cases penjades
Girona Rooftops
Paisatge tricolor
74 Gerona
El riu Ter al seu pas per el Pla dels Socs de Salt (Gironès) CAT. - L'aigua que no arriba.
Girona (barrio judio)
Racons i raconets (III)...
Racons i raconets (V)...
Gorg d'en Vila.