Lettuce lake park

The Old Railroad

HDR Sunrise In Lutz

Red Saddlebags (male)- Conner Preserve

Florida Storms

Another view of Lettuce Lake Park

Tri Colored Heron Up Close And Personal

This Ain't Pretty

My very first picture to reach 1,000 views yippee!!

Stereo 3D Loreo Bike

Florida Storms

My View.



Sunset view from Ben T Davis

British Leyland Mini Clubman and Volkswagen Beetle

My view... #BikePorn #Cycle #FitMIXX

Red-shouldered Hawk- Wesley Chapel, Florida

Irish fruit brack (side view)

My view from the hot tub #Clouds #LittleRain #MyLifeDoesntSuck

Odessa Sunset Through Bathroom Windows

06102013 Storm

Sunrise over the lake

Golden Morning

Let the sun shine

Hooked on a Feeling

Kayaking in Florida

Carl Bax

Florida Mesic Hammock Forest 2

A good night for haunting.

Great Crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus)

Union Park Bridge Shoot

Wow nice location to have #PascoPetFest

The River

Starry Tree Line


Union Park Bridge Shoot

Images from 24430 Summer Nights Ct and surrounding Lutz Area

Dead End