Breathtaking view

Alps panorama

-472- Baader Hoehenweg- Kleinwalsertal- Austria

Alpenglühen / Alpine Glow

ocean of clouds

Dizzy height

Mountain panorama

Hiking trail

View from Fellhorn Cable Car station

Pony Munch

Kleinwalsertal, Österreich / Austria: Hoher Ifen

Geh scheißn / Mountain View

Hanging in the sun

Complexity / Verschachtelt

Morning sky

-485- Baad - Kleinwalsertal - Austria - series 1/14

A perfect day

-498- Mittelberg - end of Baader Höhenweg - series 14/14

View from the Diedamskopf Voralberg Austria

-486- Baad -Kleinwalsertal - Austria - series 2/14

-490- view from Baader Hoehenweg - series 6/14

au im bregenzerwald

Abkühlung an einem Gebirgsbach

Snowy Mountains

Un poco de luz suave al amanecer

Blue sky and a bench HDR - Winter version!

Sunday in the Mountains...

Ski Resort Damüls At Night


a foretaste of winter

In between

Summer clouds

A cloud's touch

Faschina - Austria

Alpe 12