Overhead View; Eureka Center, MN

Kaleidoscopic View of the World.

Imperial Quiz

'49 Plymouth.

the View ...

Church of the Redeemer

The view out the front door today.

60 Dodge Dart Phoenix

Yale Hardware

Northfield PD

Cold War Relic

Black Stallion Grill & Saloon

View from Lyman Lakes

Northfield PD

Sciota Town Hall

Winged Warriors


Sausage Supper Saint Marys Catholic Church New Trier Minnesota

Northfield Minnesota Flooding, Malt O Meal Building September 24th 2010

Gregs pepper bacon

Northfield PD

Western Meadowlark

They're testing nukes in Minnesota now.

Beautiful fall colors in Minnesota

PGR in the countryside

Carex stricta

Great Grey Day

Northfield Mill

Junonia coenia

Goose Island (aka Mai Fête Island), Carleton College.

McKnight Prairie

Spilomyia sayi

Carleton Arboretum

Danaus plexippus

Old Barn

Summer Scene

Melospiza georgiana

Libellula quadrimaculata

Libellula quadrimaculata