Veru-malle (Telugu: వేరుమల్లె)
Eagle at Thoseghar
Eagle at the Thoseghar Waterfalls, Maharashtra
Windmills at Chalkewadi
KoyanaNagar Sunrise
Windmills at Chalkewadi
Windmills at Chalkewadi
Camouflaged in the tall grass
River creaing Thoseghar waterfalls
Priya relaxing in the tall grass
Priya and Lovell at Chalkewadi
Priya on the road to Chalkewadi
Koyna Ghat
Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi
Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi
Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi
Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi
Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi
Misty SAHYADRIS - Rajghad | Ratanghad | Kaas | Chalkewadi
The most #powerful and #abundant #resource is #Water. However, it has taught us time and again for its #sustainable use. Water is both source of #life & #death. Keep its #nature as it is suppose to be, so that we just get to see it as a life tool. #water