Wolf Creek Falls

Early Spring Stars

Sweet White Trillium

Hooded warbler

Bristly Buttercup

Rear-view dirt road

Mississippi Buttercup

Sea Creek Falls

My 63.5 Ford Falcon Sprint with the silos

This morning's view

Cooper Creek , GA

Slender-leaf Toothwort

Long Lake View

Trahlyta Lake - Georgia

Late Afternoon Light on the Trail

Dutchman's Breeches

Lake Trahlyta

Showy Orchis

Traill's Flycatcher

Paddle Boats

Changing Colors

Vogel State Park

Waterfall at Lake Trahlyta 3

Waterfall at Lake Trahlyta

Finish the plowing before it rains

Sea Creek Falls-Toby Gant-2014

Deadennen Mtn

Fluid Splash

Two Stage Falls

Over and Around

Rough and Tumble


Lake Nottely


Blue Stripes

Track Rock