Autumn in Stark, NH

Covered bridge, Stark, New Hampshire

Fall Colors In Milan

Stark, New Hampshire

Groveton Covered Bridge, NH

Stark Village Inn

Stark church, New Hampshire

Covered bridge, Stark, New Hampshire

Groveton Covered Bridge

Milan Hill

Covered bridge, Stark, New Hampshire

Stark Union church and covered bridge

Nico Redlich

Mt. Washington View

View of Rogers Ledge

Autumn at the Grist Mill

Autumn in Guildhall, Vermont

Stark, New Hampshire

Stark, New Hampshire

Fall in Stark

Guildhall, Vermont

The Old Grist Mill

Sun Halo over Stark at -20F

Phone shot of sunrise this morning

North Percy looking north at sunrise

South Percy from North Percy

Killing time before sunrise

Trees along the ridge with valley fog beyond

Stark Covered Bridge

Connecticut River

Crystal Falls, Crystal, New Hampshire

Fall Colours - Stark, New Hampshire

Milan Hill State Park

Androscoggin River In Dummer