Mysterious shadow play

On the lookout

Cologne Cathedral at sunset on the feast of Corpus Christi ...

Cologne cathedral

ums Eck

Drive through (Cologne - underground station)

A cold silent night in Cologne

Autumn Sun

crazy shadow bike

2014 September

October Sun's Rays

Cologne Cathedral bw

This Cologne Smells Good

shades of blue

Schloß Morsbroich

2014 October 01


October Sun

Last Days of Summer

September 2011

Rooms with a View

on the Rhine

Nature Moments

Groov, Cologne, Germany

10 minutes of silence - Servinsbrücke

Cathedral & Hohenzollern Bridge - Cologne - Germany

Silent Winter Moments


Murbach in Murbachvalley

Cologne, Germany

Moon light shadow

Wet feet in the creek

2012 October

Cologne fair (ND0.9)

Fotografie bei Vollmond (Read more in my Blog)

Autumn light

Fall in the Park 2

Köln im Dezember 2014

2014 November 03

picture postcard from cologne