Windmill Blades on Flatcars

Alternative Argyle


Graves of Joseph Smith, Emma Hale Smith, and Hyrum Smith, Nauvoo Historic District, Nauvoo, Illinois

Eastbound IA 2 approaching US 218/IA 27

sunset on the mississippi

mansion house

View from Front of Nauvoo Temple, Nauvoo, Illinois

View of Nauvoo Temple from "Trail of Hope" to Mississippi River, Nauvoo, Illinois

Graves of Joseph Smith, Emma Hale Smith, and Hyrum Smith, Nauvoo Historic District, Nauvoo, Illinois

Milling Equipment

IMG_7757 Smith, Dennis. Woman and Her Talents. 1978. Bronze. LDS Visitors' Center, Nauvoo, IL

Grave of Joseph Smith, Nauvoo Historic District, Nauvoo, Illinois

Joseph Smith Mansion House, Nauvoo Historic District, Nauvoo, Illinois

View of Nauvoo Temple from "Trail of Hope" to Mississippi River, Nauvoo, Illinois

Joseph Smith Mansion House, Nauvoo Historic District, Nauvoo, Illinois

View of Nauvoo Temple from "Trail of Hope" to Mississippi River, Nauvoo, Illinois

7-13 clouds

Oregon or Iowa?

Morning HDR

before breakfast

Rainy Sunday

Nauvoo flower beds

goin' fishin'

Iliniwek Village State Historic Site, Clark County (Mo.), 22 April 2015

Camera Roll-98

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Creek under the Old Stone Bridge

Part of the town of Athens

Nauvoo Historic District, Nauvoo, Illinois